Raeli hydro is a leading Borehole drilling company in Nairobi and Kenya
At Raeli Hydro, we have the capacity and expertise needed to satisfy all your drilling requirements. The company has established an exceptional reputation as a provider of quality service with international recognition. All our works meet local and international standards.
After the contract has been formalized, our technical team will visit the site along with geologists to identify the best place to carry out the drilling process.
The drilling rig accompanied by a support truck will reach the site. Based on the soil and rock formation conditions, we would take approximately 3 hours to prepare for the drilling process.
Borehole Drilling
The drilling is carried out by using the “Down-The-Hole” (DTH) technology. This system works by using highcompressedairbuiltwithinourdrillingrig.Thesizeoftheholecanvarydependingontherequirement of the client.
Asthedrillingprocesscontinuous,geologicalrocksamplesaretakenat2meterintervals.Struckandwater rest levels are constantly recorded. This process enables us to estimate the yield of individual aquifers encountered.
Well Casing
Once the borehole has been drilled, it must be lined with either steel or UPVC casing. The casing process keeps the well open and protects the earth, similar to the efforts to protect groundwater. The hard metal casing shores up the wellbore and extends through both the verticality and the horizontal drilling phases, assuring the long-term integrity of the well from end-to-end.In addition to providing stabilization and keeping the sides of the well from caving in on themselves, casing protects the well stream.
Well Development
Oncethescreen,pack,sealsandbackfillhavebeeninstalled,thewellisdeveloped.Thisdevelopmentaimsat repairingthedamagedonetotheaquiferduringthecourseofdrillingbyremovingclaysandotheradditives from the borehole. This also alters the physical characteristics of aquifer around the screen and removes fineparticles.
Theuseofoverpumpingasameansofdevelopmentisnotadvocatedsinceitonlyincreasespermeabilityin zoneswhicharealreadypermeable.Instead,werecommendmechanicalsurgingwithaplungerortheuseof air or water jetting which physically agitates the gravel pack and adjacent aquifer material. This is an extremelyefficientmethodofdevelopingandcleaningwells.
Construction of water Towers and Water tanks
A water tower is an elevated structure supporting a water tank constructed at a height sufficient to pressurize a water supply system for the distribution of potable water, and to provide storage.
Well Testing
After development and preliminary tests, a long-duration well test is carried out. Well tests have to be carriedoutonallnewly-completedwells,becausenotonlydoesthisgiveanindicationofthesuccessofthe drilling, design and development, but it also yields formation on aquifer parameters which are vital to the hydrogeologist.
Submersible Pump Installation
Solar system installation
Commonly asked questions
1. Whatisthetotalcostofdrillingaborehole?
Thecostofdrillingaboreholedependsonthelocationanddepthoftheborehole.Kindlygetintouchwithus for aquotation.
2. WhatspecificdocumentsdoIrequire?
- Geological/HydrologicalSurveycarriedoutbyaregisteredgeologistinthedesignatedcountry.
- Water Resource Management Authority (WRMA)Authorization.
- Environmental impact assessmentreport
- NEMALicense
If required, we can assist in acquiring the above permits and licenses.
3. Whatisahydro-geologicalreport?
Once the geologist has surveyed the area, he/she will provide you with a detailed report on the geology of theparcelofland.Thisreportwillalsoindicatetheestimateddepthofthewaterandtheexactlocationofthe borehole.
4. WhydoIneedaNEMAreport?
ANEMAreportconsistsofanenvironmentalimpactassessmentreportthatdetailstheimpactofdrillinga borehole on the environment. This is a mandatory requirement by law before drilling of the borehole (in Kenyaonly)
5. WhydoIneedwateranalysisreport?
After drilling the borehole and doing test pumping, we will take a water sample to the government